Q: Summer Programs: any Chemisry, Biology, pre-med related to recommand ?
Submitted by Aryan on Sun, 10/23/2022 - 16:40, updated on Sun, 10/23/2022 - 16:40
Submitted by Susan on Sat, 11/12/2022 - 16:04, updated on Sat, 11/12/2022 - 16:19
Program Name | Description | Time and Location | Deadline | Eligibility | Website | MIT SSP (Summer Science Program) | The curriculum around a central research project in either Astrophysics, Biochemistry and Genomics. In the Astrophysics program, each team of three students determines the orbit of a near-earth asteroid (minor planet) from direct astronomical observations. In the Biochemistry program, each team designs a small molecule to inhibit an enzyme from a fungal crop pathogen. | six weeks at Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana. | Mid-December. 2022 | for junior with very few sophomores admitted | https://summerscience.org | Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) | Leadership program; encourages students to work collaboaratively ;engage with issues from an international perspective | | Earlier Nov 2nd, 2022 | 16 years old by the time the program | https://globalscholars.yale.edu | COSMOS (UC) | Provide a wide variety of STEM subjects | 4 different UC campuses | FEBRUARY 11TH, 2022 11:59PM | Must be in high school ( COSMOS seems to prefer older students) | https://cosmos-ucop.ucdavis.edu | UC Santa Cruz SIP (Science Internship Program) | research internship program; opportunity to work with professors at UCSC | 10 week 2022 online only | 2022 March 31 (5 PM PDT) | Must be at least 14 by time program (a competitive program and older students generally have a better shot) | https://sip.ucsc.edu/program-details/apply-now/ | Boston University RISE (Research in Science & Engineering) | Two different research options: one involves doing your own research, the other involves working in a group and helping a faculty member with their research | | February 14, application & a complete supplemental materials due by 11:59pm EDT | Must be a rising senior | https://www.bu.edu/summer/high-school-programs/research | Clarke Scholars Program (at Texas Tech University) | Intensive summer research program for highly qualified high school juniors and seniors. Students can study virtuall any subject under the sun. | seven week at Texas Tech University | MID-FEBRUARY 2023 | Must be 17 by the time the program starts and graduate in 2023 or 2024 | http://www.depts.ttu.edu/honors/academicsandenrichment/affiliatedandhighschool/clarks | High school honors science/math/engineering program (HSHSP) | intensive summer research program designed for motivated students from across the United States who wish to gain more experience conducting research while living on the campus of a major research-intensive university. | At Michigan State. Seven-week | Mar 1st All application materials due. Website not updated | Must be a rising senior | http://education.msu.edu/hshsp | Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) | A program in which high school students from diverse backgrounds are invited to perform basic research with Stanford faculty, postdoctoral fellows, students and researchers on a medically-oriented project. The goals of the program include increasing interest in biological sciences and medicine in high school students, helping students to understand how scientific research is performed, and increasing diversity of students and researchers in the sciences. | eight-week at Stanford | Applications due February 25th, 2023. | juniors or seniors; 16 years old or older | http://simr.stanford.edu | | | | | | |
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