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Questionsort descending Following Categories
529 education savings plan or a 529 prepaid tuition plan: which should I invest in? Finance
529 go through a broker or open a 529 account directly? Finance
529 plan will impact my kid's college financial aid? Why and How? Finance
529 plan? How does it work? Finance
Art portfolio for college admission? How to make it? Extracurricular
Check List: what's needed for college application Check List
College application: What experience, activities and roles etc most wanted ? Application, Check List, Extracurricular
Contest: what contests are good college application? Extracurricular
Eagle Scout will help on college admission? Extracurricular
Eagle Scout: how to get it? Extracurricular
Essay: how and what to write for college application Application
Financially prepare for my kid's college, how ? What are different sources available? Finance
how to apply Application
Motivate kids in writing, how? Application, Tests
Piano would help my kid apply for ivy colleges ? Extracurricular
PSAT/NMSQT for National Merit scholarship: how to prepare ? Tests
PSAT/NMSQT for National Merit scholarship: how to get into semifinialist and finialist ? Tests
SAT 2016 redesign ? Does SAT contains Subject tests and essay after that ? Tests
SAT any list of colleges requirement including all scores or one score is ok Tests
SAT vs PSAT: common and difference ? Tests
SAT, PSAT and ACT preparation schools and organizations to compare and recommend Tests
SAT, PSAT: how to calculate the score Tests
SAT: Is it OK to take tests multiple times Tests
Summer Programs: any Chemisry, Biology, pre-med related to recommand ? Summer Program
Summer Programs: any free or low cost ones ? and also competitive ones ? Summer Program
Summer Programs: any STEM science, computer, engineer etc related to recommand ? Summer Program
Time management: how do you help kids manage the time on TV, tablet/iPad, computer and smartphones ? Time Management
UC and CSU: the common and difference ? Colleges
USACO: how to join? how to prepare Extracurricular
Volunteer activities: how and where to particpate Extracurricular